meaghan Elise rossi
Actor Singer Daydreamer
Meaghan is currently setting sail with:
Disney Cruise Line
as a part of the
Dream 26 Entertainment Cast
Now through December 2024!

My love of theatre first began in my hometown at a small community theater in Northeast Philadelphia. My older sister was playing Nibbs, one of the Lost Boys in a production of Peter Pan, and I remember sitting in the audience, absolutely star-struck with every element about my first theatre experience. I wanted nothing more than to jump up onto that stage and run away to Neverland with the rest of the lost boys. I knew right then and there that this was what I wanted to pursue for the rest of my life.
My first taste of being on the stage was a few years later when I was cast as Cogsworth in that same theater's production of Beauty and the Beast, and it was everything I dreamed it would be and more. I'd never felt more invigorated, alive, and fulfilled in my entire life! Ever since, I have trained and worked all over PA in regional theater, as well as performed for cruise line and theme park entertainment. In addition, I received my BA in Musical Theatre from DeSales University in Center Valley, PA. My love for performing has been my driving force, and I'd like to think that I'm doing that little girl, all dressed up as a mantel clock and singing her little heart out alongside a dancing candlestick, very proud.

Meaghan Elise Rossi​
email: meaghanerossi@gmail.com
Social Media:
Instagram: @meag_elise
TikTok: @meagrossi
YouTube: Meaghan Elise Rossi